LA FOODWAYS—A New Food Documentary from KCET

In recent years, people all over the country have been raving about how amazing the Los Angeles food scene has become, what with our plethora of talented chefs, the multicultural culinary influences of our vibrant immigrant and ethnic communities, and, of course, our ready access to the best produce and resources in the country. But did you know that Los Angeles’ history and close relationship to food actually started in its earliest days as a huge center for agriculture? In fact, Los Angeles has a long and storied history in particular with the citrus industry. Some of us may remember seeing or hearing about the big citrus groves in the San Fernando Valley (or even have a few of the remnants growing in our own yards) and the dairy farms in areas near Cerritos and Artesia.

Recently, I was invited to the screening of a new KCET documentary airing on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, called LA Foodways. LA Foodways, produced and directed by filmmaker and actor Raphael Sbarge, tells the history of food in LA, starting with its early days as a leader in agriculture though to current issues and challenges the city faces in food waste and accessibility of fresh and healthy foods to all of the varied communities that make up our city. It’s no secret that KCET is one of our favorite resources for getting some of the in depth stories that LA has to tell, particularly when it comes to one of our favorite topics (Food! Learn more about some of the their other great original food programming here). LA Foodways is another great program if you are looking to deepen your understanding of not only food, but its history here in Los Angeles.

As much as we at EatSeeGo enjoy celebrating the beautiful and delicious food that LA is known for currently, it’s important to remember and understand where our food comes from, what goes into its production and how we can minimize waste so that all of our communities have access to what was once considered a land of great bounty. LA Foodways is a great program that not only explores our agricultural history but also shows us how local organizations are working together to combat food waste and improve fresh food accessibility to as many people as possible. It will make you appreciate how lucky we all are here in Southern California to be able to enjoy the food we have.

LA Foodways can be found on KCET public television on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 8 PM as an hour-long documentary and online at, YouTube, Roku and Apple TV as 6 digital episodes. Go check out—next time you have that great meal, it will make it all that more meaningful and delicious!
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